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Emerge Pt. I, a track I wrote and produced with Ruelle, is featured in this FOX NFL promo.

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Cover of “Survivor” I did with Ruelle for the “Hanna” trailer on Amazon Prime.

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I composed the music for this AT&T commercial.

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“Daydream” EP is now available for licensing on Musicbed. Each track is written for a solo instrument (cello, guitar, harp, piano) with the assistance of layering and effects.

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New music from Ruelle out today…wrote/produced/mixed the title track “Emerge”…chasing after a film score + pop vibe…floating in space inside a dream or something…plus lots of strings because Maggie and I both love strings! The track is split into Part I and Part II…listen here:

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Until We Go Down

“Until We Go Down”, a track I wrote and produced with Ruelle, is featured in the HBO promo for “Harry Potter”.

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Until We Go Down

The instrumental version of “Until We Go Down”, a track I wrote and produced, is featured in the trailer for “Professor Marston and The Wonder Women”.


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